Tuesday, February 5, 2008


I am frustrated. I am one of the thousands of California voters whose vote did not count today, because of unorganized misinformed poll workers. Here is a letter to the editor that I have submitted to the Whittier Daily News:

The poor training of California poll workers has impacted another election. This morning, I voted at Merrill Gardens in Whittier and when I asked for a Democratic ballot, I was given a non-partisan ballot. I protested and asked again for a Democratic ballot and I was instructed that it didn't matter what the ballot was, just as long as I was voting in the DEM booth. I was given no other instructions and was told that my ballot went through with no problem.

It turns out that non-partisan ballots included a separate question that needed to be answered on whether it was a Democrat ballot or a non-partisan ballot. Now, thousands of votes will not be counted because of the improper training of California poll workers.

I have worked extremely hard on Senator Barack Obama's campaign and it is heartbreaking to me to know that my vote didn't count.

Adam Rogers

1 comment:

Paula said...

Adam, this may either make you feel better or worse. I think I got the same ballot, and I didn't check the box at the top for democrat. If this is the case, my vote didn't count either. I guess I only take solace in the fact that hopefully, statistically, it affected both camps the same amount and therefore wouldn't have changed the outcome or percentage one way or another. It's like when the ref makes a bad call, it usually evens out in the end. That's how I choose to look at it.