Friday, May 16, 2008

Perkins Gets Savage Beat Down

Openly gay columnist, author, husband and father Dan Savage had the unpleasant task of debating anti-gay Family Research Council President Tony Perkins last night on Anderson Cooper 360. Perkins is perhaps the most visible anti-gay advocate on the circuit right now and he is usually very effective in manipulating media; however, he was no match for the intellect of Mr. Savage.

The entire interview served as a microcosm for what we will see on a grand scale over the next six months. Perkins basically had little flash cards with pithy talking points on them that he pulled out at random: "Marriage is between a man and a woman," "Social science proves that children need a mom and a dad," "activist judges," etc. Savage proved though that the same old sound bites are no match for actual intelligent arguments.

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