Thursday, November 29, 2007

Senator Obama's Statement on Don't Ask Don't Tell

Senator Obama has released a new statement calling for the repeal of the anti-gay military policy known as "Don't Ask, Don't Tell."

Fourteen years ago, the Democratic Party faced a test of leadership, and our party failed that test. We had an opportunity to be leaders on the World stage in eliminating discrimination against gay and lesbian service members, to recognize the patriotism and heroism of the hundreds of thousands of gay and lesbian citizens who have served our country. Instead, we bowed to fear and prejudice...

Read the full statement here.

Interview With Christian Broadcasting Network

I usually cringe whenever I hear any politician talk about God, faith or religion because it usually is flirting with, if not jumping across the church/state line. For some reason though, whenever Senator Obama talks about these items (and it seems to be quite often), it is done in a way that makes me understand that his faith is very important to him, but not in a way that makes me feel alienated for feeling a different way.

The Senator showed his comfort in GodSpeak in this interview with the Christian Broadcasting Network (CBN), which is the famous home of Pat Robertson's "The 700 Club." It is impressive how Barack can speak in terms that the CBN audience understands and responds too without compromising the integrity of his messages.

Here is the Senator talking about choice rights and relationship recognition: