Saturday, May 17, 2008

NYT Editorializes for Marriage

This morning the paper of record published a beautiful editorial in support of the California Supreme Court decision.

The California Supreme Court brought the United States a step closer to fulfilling its ideals of equality and justice with its momentous 4-to-3 ruling upholding the right of same-sex couples to marry.

The editorial also calls for support from the Presidential candidates:

Since the presidential candidates’ positions on gay marriage seem based more on tactics than principle, we do not expect them to shift ground. We would like to hear all of them support Mr. Schwarzenegger in opposing a constitutional amendment. Mr. McCain’s reaction that he “supports the right of the people of California” rather than judges to decide the question was not encouraging.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Perkins Gets Savage Beat Down

Openly gay columnist, author, husband and father Dan Savage had the unpleasant task of debating anti-gay Family Research Council President Tony Perkins last night on Anderson Cooper 360. Perkins is perhaps the most visible anti-gay advocate on the circuit right now and he is usually very effective in manipulating media; however, he was no match for the intellect of Mr. Savage.

The entire interview served as a microcosm for what we will see on a grand scale over the next six months. Perkins basically had little flash cards with pithy talking points on them that he pulled out at random: "Marriage is between a man and a woman," "Social science proves that children need a mom and a dad," "activist judges," etc. Savage proved though that the same old sound bites are no match for actual intelligent arguments.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Thank You!

This morning the California Supreme Court issued a historic 4-3 ruling that strikes down California's ban on same-sex marriage. This is a day that will forever be remembered in the journey toward equality.

Celebrate today, but we start the battle to maintain the ruling tomorrow.

Marriage in California!