Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Linda Sanchez Endorses Obama

I am extremely proud to announce that my district's representative, Congresswoman Linda Sanchez (D - Calif.) has endorsed Barack Obama for President!

I had the tremendous opportunity to intern with Rep. Sanchez a few years ago and she is an incredible person who has a very bright future. She is definitely one of the most outspoken progressive advocates in Congress and she was one of the very few Democratic representatives who did not support ENDA unless it was trans-inclusive.

Interestingly, her sister Loretta, who is also a Congresswoman, is supporting Senator Clinton. Could be smart strategy for the sisters or it could genuinely be a family divided.

Linda's endorsement is one of many that debunks the media-perpetuated theory that Latinos/as will not support Obama.

Here is the official endorsement:

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