Monday, February 4, 2008

Dear Undecideds...

You already know that my heart and mind are both very much committed to the idea that Senator Barack Obama is the best candidate to lead our great nation, but my support of Senator Obama is not in opposition to Senator Clinton, in fact I am a big fan of Senator Clinton. This is why I understand why so many of you are going back and forth between these two candidates.

Lets all just take a moment to realize how truly blessed we are as Democrats right now. We have two great candidates to choose from, while the Republicans are fighting over who is the most "conservative."

Before about half of the country votes tomorrow, I could try and try to find that one sentence that will solidify your vote for Senator Obama. I could try to channel the Senator to use the power of speech to reach into the hearts of the voters to let them know who the best person is for the job.

Though, on this morning, I think that the best way to help you make your decision is through this amazing music video highlighting Senator Obama's words.

Thanks very much to Dan for the hat tip. Enjoy!

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